It happens sometimes that you want to reinstall your windows, and you need to start afresh. For that purpose you need the product key of your Windows installation, but it is usually not known if the windows installed is an OEM version. At that time Windows XP Product Key Finder Lite comes to rescue. Windows XP Product Key Finder software decodes Windows XP Product Key very easily. With this new version you can extract your product key directly from Windows registry or you can do it from Windows Root folder. But the option of extracting Windows XP Product key from Windows Root folder is only available in the pro version of this software. Except Windows XP product key it also shows some more important information such as Windows Product ID & the version of Windows XP which is installed on the system. It also shows the owner and the organization that currently owns this version of Windows XP. It is a small little utility with a very smooth installation. It is an essential software for all the system admininstrators.